1. Introduction:
We believe that establishing Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpanagar (BSMSN) is one of the visionary decisions taken by Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA). Having 122 km2 area, BSMSN will be the largest economic zone (EZ) in Bangladesh in the near future. As the site is just beside of the coast as well as near to Chattogram city, it will get both maritime as well as inland domestic transport facilities. We have analysed the master plan which has been proposed and developed by World Bank and all the report of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA), Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) prepared by BEZA, and Private Investment and Digital entrepreneurship (PRIDE).
The BSMSN project is highly time demanded initiative. EIA, ESA, and ESRM report are comprehensive and they have covered almost every important concerning point for both social and environmental issues. The primary planning and task segmentation given by Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) in the final report of ESA-2020 for Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) will be followed through out the project lifecycle.
As the project is a one of the largest projects and will be implemented covering a large area, so social and environmental conservation is one of the prime concerns. For a successful project, we have to work on all the possible workable space.
As per figure-1, as a supervision consultant, we will directly consult and instruct the contractors as well as all manpower who will associated with field level execution. Consultation with primary stakeholders’ area also important and we will work as a bridge among the stakeholder and the authority.
Capacity building is one of the most important and significant factors for a successful project. We will provide necessary training, workshop and seminar for enhancing capacity among the resource persons both from BEZA, PRIDE, Contractors, local stakeholders as well as others.
On site social and environmental inspection will be conducted as per guideline provided by the authority and will be reported time to time.
2. Methodology:
Social Monitoring:
Labor and working condition, women engagement, gender discrimination in all aspect to establish good workable environment will be ensured by regular field inspection, monitoring and dialogue with the workers.
Regular health of the community members will be checked on a timely basis. However, we will follow proper guidelines prescribed by the authority and world Bank as well. Beside this, social security will be monitored and to understand the updated safety status we will conduct field survey as well as we will have social safety indicator to monitor this.
Environmental Monitoring:
The site is close to the coast and there is a large community in and around the project site. So, a standard environmental monitoring cell with well trained resource person is highly necessary. To ensure the coastal, marine, surrounding’s environment, all the main indicator parameter will be measured and monitored time to time with sophisticated instruments. Experienced and well-trained environmentalist, expert will visit and monitor the full site as per guideline of BEZA as well as project authority.
Expert trainer and engineer will guide and inspect the project area and all the on field and laboratory experiment will be conducted by their direct supervision.
Capacity Building:
For the capacity building, we will organize regular basis training for the resource persons from all institutions who’s required. Training will be given both indoor as well as on field training for best outcome of the training.
Beside training, workshop, seminar and open dialogue and mass information outreach as the most effective tools for empowering the stakeholders, contractors, workers. So, as per requirement and authority guideline we will help to building capacity of the project involved resource persons.
3. Monitoring Social and Environmental Issues:
ESS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
Disadvantaged and Vulnerable persons:
- There will be list of disadvantaged and vulnerable person within the project area and projected infused area will be treated as per guideline of the authority.
- The list will be updated in time to time.
ESS2: Labor and Working Conditions
Labour Influx and Working Conditions
- Number of workers required and available or currently working will be analysed.
- Workers Safety issue will be checked and monitored.
- Accommodation facilities, its advantage and disadvantage will be considered.
All the activity will be conducted as per guideline of the project authority.
Occupational Health and Safety Hazard:
- Labours emergency health and medical facilities will be monitored.
- Help in implementing workers insurance policy.
Gender Based Violence (GBV)
- Gender based employment will be encountered.
- Gender discrimination in wages will strictly monitored.
Social Conflict:
- Conflicts among the all resource user will be resolved by direct or indirect negotiation.
- Regular inspection among the workers and different stakeholder will be conducted.
ESS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management
Air Quality:
- Dust, odor, sunlight availability will be measure.
- Exhaust emissions of SO2, NOx, CO2, CO, PM 2.5 and PM10 will be measured.
- Other parameter of the air will be measure if required.
Water Resources (Surface and Ground Water) and Quality:
- Inland and associated coastal water ecosystem and ecosystem health will be analysed.
- Current water quality will be measured and compared to the baseline.
- Water quality means pH, salinity, turbidity, TSS, TDS, chlorophyll-a, nutrients, etc will be measured and analysed time to time.
- Water quality assessment will be carried out both for surface water and ground water.
Land Resources (Soil):
- Soil quality will be tested.
- Soil quality will be compared with the baseline data and ecosystems optimum growth factors.
- Biodiversity will be analysed.
Sediment Pollution:
- River bed sediment as well as coastal sediment will be analysed regularly
- Sound Level in day and night as well as in different place will be continuously measured.
ESS4: Community Health and Safety
- Community Health and Safety
- Transport and Accessibility
- Hazardous and non-hazardous waste
- Employment Generation
ESS5: Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement
- Resettlement of the local community will be monitored.
- We will help in the negotiation with other issues as per guideline of the authority.
ESS6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
- We will have continuous monitoring and evaluation of the present biodiversity.
- Depending on the existing natural resources, strategical plan will be developed.
- For the sustainable use, we will have a management plan.
ESS7: Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities
- All the small community, Ethnic Minority or other minority groups rights will be ensured and have a monitoring cell.
ESS8: Cultural Heritage
- The local people’s cultural heritage will be prioritized.
- Will ensure for their cultural practice and conservation of heritage.
ESS9: Financial Intermediaries
- All the groups associated with financial dealing will be monitored.
ESS10: Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
- All necessary information will be deiminated among the stakeholders.
- Stakeholder engagement will be ensured in all necessary stage of the project.
4. Continuous Check of Environmental Indicators:
Monitoring Indicators
The physical, biological and social components which are of particular significance to the proposed project are listed below:
- Air quality
- Surface (Sea & River) & Ground Water quality
- Noise Level
- Solid & Hazardous Waste Management
- Plantation Success / Survival Rate
- Soil Erosion
- Soil Quality
- Quality of Dredged Sediments
- Drinking Water Quality
- Sanitation and Hygiene at Construction Labour Camps and Construction Site
- Gender Based Violence (GBV)
- Labour Influx
- Employment
- Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
These indicators will be evaluated periodically based on the monitoring results, baseline conditions, predicted impacts and mitigation measures
5. Capacity Building:
- Training
- Workshop
- Seminar
- Dialogue
Other then the listed items, we will include other items as per guideline of the authority to enhance the capacity of the resource person the project.
6. Stakeholder Engagement:
There are number of stakeholder’s category identified by the ESA report. We will list all the stakeholders and analyze their contribution, requirements, importance and their significance. For different types of stakeholders, there will be different strategical approach, planning and management plan for ensuring their engagement.
7. Continuous Monitoring:
From the very beginning of the project implementation, individual activity associated with social and environmental issues will be monitored and assessed. We will also monitor how the situation changes throughout time in different phase of project implementation. Continuous assessment will be carried out for all the activities, sub-projects and the report will be prepared and distributed time to time as per guideline of the project authority.
8. Internal Progress Assessment:
There will be an assessment team who will analysis the project’s social and environmental condition in different phase of the project implementation. At the end of each phase, the team will prepare internal assessment report and by the report, we will be able to understand the over-all progress of the social and environmental sustainability of the project.
9. Reporting:
As a consultant, we will monitor the ongoing situation time to time in the aspect of social and environmental condition. And depending on the findings of the research, we will report to the authority as well as we will consult with the stakeholders if necessary. We will always provide proper guideline to the contractors, workers.
We will prepare report of individual aspect in time specified by the authority. At the end of each fiscal year (FY) we will provide annual report. Though will be ready to prepare report as per demand of the authority. Finally, we will submit final report of the progress in the end of the project.